
萨忻琪  大律师

萨忻琪 大律师






  • The Joint and Several Trustees of the Property of So Ching Wan (now a discharged bankrupt) v. Assen Limited (in liquidation) & ors CACV 306/2019 (resisting an appeal, led by Mr. Anson Wong SC and Mr. Alan Kwong; and resisting an application to vary the costs order nisi, led by Mr. Alan Kwong); HCB 4475/2002 (resisting application under section 29 of the Bankruptcy Ordinance, led by Mr. Anson Wong SC and Mr. Alan Kwong)
  • Kung Kin Wing & anor v. Splendid Profit International Holdings Limited & ors HCIP 78/2019 (acting for plaintiff in a trial on trademark ownership, led by Ms. Sabrina Ho; application for interlocutory injunction led by Mr. CW Ling)
  • Wong To Yick Wood Lock Ointment Limited v. Sing & Japan International Technology Limited HCA 2589/2014, HCA 562/2014 & HCMP 1550/2014 (resisting a specific discovery application, led by Ms. Winnie Tam SC, JP and Mr. Colin Shipp)
  • Re Hsin Chong Construction (Asia) Limited HCCW 316/2018 (winding up petition, as sole advocate)
  • Re Global Succeed Group Limited HCCW 210/2019 (winding up petition, as sole advocate)
  • Re Carnival Group International Holdings Limited HCCW 48/2020 (winding up petition, as sole advocate)
  • Re Jewrim Limited HCCW 433/2020 (winding up petition, as sole advocate)
  • Re AGW Holdings Limited HCCW 225/2011 (discovery application, as sole advocate)
  • Re Wu Lianmo HCB 5250/2019 (bankruptcy petition, as sole advocate)
  • Re Lee Sing Leung Robin HCB 3709/2019 (bankruptcy petition, as sole advocate)
  • Re Wu Shenjun or Wu Sonny HCB 1747/2020 (bankruptcy petition, led by Mr. Justin Lam)
  • Re Li Shu Chung HCB 5475/2018 (application for letter of request to UK court for assistance pursuant to section 426 of the UK Insolvency Act, as sole advocate)
  • Mega Honour Holdings Limited v. 李森田 & ors HCA 1131/2015 (acting for plaintiff in a trial on contractual dispute, led by Mr. Alan Kwong)
  • Progetto Jewellery Company Limited v. Lau Chiu Ying & anor HCA 2548/2014 (resisting application for leave to appeal, as sole advocate)
  • Cheung Lai Mui v. Cheung Wai Shing & ors HCA 1652/2012 (application for payment out of sums paid into Court, as sole advocate)
  • Zhang Jizhi v. Hong Kong TV International Media Group Limited & anor HCA 624/2019 (resisting application for summary judgment and appeal against summary judgment, led by Mr. Christopher Chain)
  • V Capital Limited v. Margaret Chiu HCA 1431/2017 (resisting application for imprisonment of judgment debtor, led by Mr. William Wong SC and Mr. Alan Kwong)
  • Wong Yin Tak v. Yip Wai Man HCA 1491/2017 (acting for plaintiff in a trial on beneficial ownership of property, led by Mr. Alan Kwong)
  • 張月清 v. Tsui Yiu Hei HCMP 875/2018, HCMP 602/2019, HCMP 845/2019 (contempt proceedings, led by Ms. Connie Lee)
  • Wong Luen Hang & anor v. Topmix Industrial Limited & ors HCMP 1064/2019, HCMP 1065/2019 (resisting application under section 740 of the Companies Ordinance, led by Mr. Alan Kwong)
  • Re Seafrigo HongKong Limited HCMP 2147/2019 (unfair prejudice petition, as sole advocate)
  • GM Commercial Consultants Corp v. Euro-Asia Zhong Ji (HK) Limited HCMP 2025/2019 (application for order for sale, as sole advocate)
  • So Keung Yip & Sin v. Gold Horn International Enterprises Group Limited & anor, So Keung Yip & Sin v. Golden Hero International Development Limited & anor, Gold Horn International Enterprises Group Limited & ors v. So Keung Yip & Sin HCA 1027/2019, HCA 1639/2019 & HCMP 1164/2019 (application for summary judgment and imposition of conditions for taxation of solicitor’s bills, led by Mr. Christopher Chain)
  • Re David Perry QC HCMP 2221/2020 (resisting an application for the ad hoc admission of Mr. Perry QC, led by Mr. Jonathan Chang SC)
  • Chan Shing Lam & ors v. Winscore International Limited & ors HCMP 1251/2020 & HCMP 787/2020 (applications under section 42 of the Companies Ordinance, for proceedings to be heard together, and for interim injunctions, led by Mr. Douglas Lam SC and Ms. Sabrina Ho)
  • A Co v. B Co & ors HCCT 25/2020 (application to set aside an order to enforce an arbitration award, led by Mr. Michael Lok)
  • C v. D1 & anor HCCT 3/2021 (application to continue an injunction, led by Mr. Douglas Lam SC)
  • Chan Kam Pui and Yang Wei (administrators of the estate of Yang Feng, deceased) v. Dr. Lam Man Ho & ors HCPI 128/2013 (resisting application to amend statement of damages, led by Mr. Christopher Chain)
  • Law Yin Pok Bosco v. Dr. Chan Yee Shing HCPI 369/2010 & HCPI 62/2011 (resisting application for review of a master’s taxation decision, as sole advocate)


  • 香港大律师奖学金 2018