除了在香港大律师公会的资格外,陆大律师是第二批通过粤港澳大湾区律师执业考试的香港大律师之一。陆大律师还被授予在阿斯塔纳国际金融中心法院担任代理律师的资格。同时,陆大律师亦是英国伦敦大律师事务所South Square的海外成员,South Square是一家专注于重组事宜和破产法等专业领域的国际知名大律师事务所。
- 涉及/与以下公司相关之案件:苏宁国际集团有限公司;花样年集团投资控股有限公司;当代国际投资有限公司;新昌营造建筑有限公司;中房集团有限公司;泰加保险有限公司;共享集团有限公司;中绿集团有限公司;朗华国际控股有限公司;中国安芯控股有限公司;香港商品交易所有限公司;麦迪森控股集团有限公司;国艺娱乐文化集团有限公司;康宏环球控股有限公司;
- 代表例如以下银行/金融机构进行银行/商事诉讼:Allahabad Bank; Bank of Baroda); Citibank, N.A. (花旗银行); CNCB (Hong Kong) Investment Limited (中信银行香港投资有限公司); Credit Suisse AG, Hong Kong (瑞士信贷银行香港分行); CTBC Bank Co., Ltd (中信银行); DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Ltd (星展银行香港有限公司); Export-Import Bank of India; HSBC (汇丰银行); Habib Bank Zurich (Hong Kong) Ltd; ICICI Bank; SBM Bank (Mauritius) Ltd; The Bank of New York Mellon, London Branch (纽约梅隆银行伦敦分行); Union Bank of India (印度联合银行); United Overseas Bank Ltd (大华银行有限公司)。
- 代表例如以下机构进行公共诉讼:行政长官办公室;律政司司长;政制及内地事务局局长;发展局局长;保安局局长;警务处处长;消防处处长;入境事务处处长;医疗辅助队;屋宇署;环境保护署;个人资料私隐专员;证监会。
New Castle Investments Ltd v. WFC Holding Ltd and Others [2021] HKCFA 5 (led by Edward Chan SC)
Sun Min and Others v. Chu Kong (06/12/2022, FACV6/2022) (2022) 25 HKCFAR 318 (led by Johnny Mok SC)
Secretary for Justice v. Global Merchant Funding Ltd (2016) 19 HKCFAR 192 (led by Simon Westbrook SC, and with Derek Chan, as he then was)
Re Ocean Sino Limited [2020] 1 WLR 4656 (led by Richard Hacker KC, John Carrington KC and William Wong SC)
Re Dangdai International Investments Ltd [2023] HKCFI 1347 (led by Eva Sit SC)
Frank Lee and Another v. The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd [2022] HKCFI 3680 (led by Eva Sit SC)
Re Wang Huimin [2022] HKCFI 2271 (led by Benjamin Yu SC)
China Construction Bank (Asia) Corporation Ltd v. Zhang Kangyang [2022] HKCFI 2135 (led by Audrey Eu SC, and with Alan Kwong)
Ng Yan Kit Alfred and Another v. Ever Honest Industries Ltd and Another [2022] 3 HKLRD 174
Li Yiqing v. Lamtex Holdings Ltd [2021] 2 HKLRD 177
Re Convoy Global Holdings Ltd [2020] 3 HKC 403 (led by William Wong SC)
Chung Keng v. Pearl Oriental Oil Ltd [2019] 3 HKLRD 715; [2018] 5 HKLRD 567 (led by William Wong, SC)
Lau Yu also known as Jaffe Lau v. The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd [2019] 2 HKC 18 (led by Linda Chan, SC, as she then was)
Chu Kong v. Lau Wing Yan and Others [2019] 1 HKLRD 589, [2018] HKCA 1010 (led by Jose-Antonio Maurellet, SC)
Re Enice Holding Co Ltd [2018] 4 HKLRD 736 (led by William Wong SC)
Yu Hing Tong Ltd v. Fung Hing Chiu Cyril [2016] 5 HKLRD 567
Yip Wai Kwok Gabriel v. Hong Kong Society of Congenital & Structural Heart Disease Ltd [2016] 5 HKLRD 117
Crane World Asia Pte Ltd v. Hontrade Engineering Ltd [2016] 3 HKLRD 640 (led by Gerard McCoy SC, and with Derek Chan, as he then was)
Cornhill Enterprises Ltd v. Leung Chun Sang and Others [2016] 2 HKLRD 1525
Chan Sang v. Chan Kwok [2015] 3 HKLRD 131 (with Jose-Antonio Maurellet, as he then was)
Kwok Cheuk Kin v. Chief Executive in Council [2023] HKCFI 3074 (District Council elections) (led by Jenkin Suen SC)
Akram Muhammad v. Director of Immigration and Another [2023] HKCFI 595
Lai Chee Ying v. Commissioner of Police [2022] 5 HKLRD 205; [2022] 5 HKLRD 617; [2022] 4 HKLRD 582 (led by Jenkin Suen SC)
Competition Commission v. Kam Kwong Engineering Company Ltd and Others [2022] 3 HKLRD 786; [2020] 4 HKLRD 61
803 Funds Ltd v. Secretary for Education [2021] 4 HKLRD 735 (led by Douglas Lam SC)
Tong Ying Kit v. Secretary for Justice [2021] 3 HKLRD 350; [2021] 2 HKLRD 1036 (led by Jenkin Suen SC)
Re Next Digital Ltd [2021] 2 HKLRD 857 (with Jonathan Man and Leona Cheung)
Charteryard Industrial Ltd v. Appeal Tribunal (Buildings) [2021] HKCA 1164
Death Inquest re: Leung Kin-fai CCDI-555/2021
Death Inquest re: Li Man-tak CCDI-932/2019
Death Inquest re: Alex Chow-Tsz Lok CCDI-932/2019
彭道力 訴 行政上訴委員會 [2021] HKCFI 230
Death Inquest re: Alex Chow-Tsz Lok CCDI-932/2019
LKY v. YLP FCMC 4352/2013; FCMC 18284/2013 (led by Robert Pang SC and with Anny Chak, as she then was)
T v. P FCMC 14290/2016 (with Eugene Yim)
LCT v. CHY and others FCMC 15794/2015 (with Christopher Chain, as he then was)
WFC Holding Ltd v. New Castle Investments Ltd [2021] HKCFA 5 (led by Edward Chan SC)
Re Urban Renewal Authority Development Project at Queen’s Road West/Kwai Heung Street (Urban Renewal Authority Appeal Board) Appeal Case No. 2023-001; 2023-002
Polyline Development Ltd (in liq) v. Ching Lin Chuen and Others [2023] HKCFI 3049
Oriental Moon Ltd v. Golden Sino Link Ltd and Others [2023] HKCA 608 (led by Patrick Fung SC)
Re Mei Wah Building (Buildings Appeal Tribunal) (Case No. 20/2019)
Charteryard Industrial Ltd v. Appeal Tribunal (Buildings) [2021] HKCA 1164
New Castle Investments Ltd v. WFC Holding Ltd and Others [2020] HKCA 755 (led by Edward Chan SC)
Chan Sang v. Chan Kwok [2015] 3 HKLRD 131 (led by Jose-Antonio Maurellet SC)
- 大律师公会奖学金
- 沈澄纪念奖学金
- Sir Roy Goode Prize for BCL, St. John’s College, Oxford
- Slaughter & May Prize for Best Overall Degree, LSE
- Slaughter & May Prize for Best Performance in final year, LSE
- Hogan Lovells Prize in Business Associations, LSE
- 劳工审裁处暂委审裁官 (对雇佣纠纷行使无限管辖权)
- 英基学校协会港岛学校校董会主席
- 公司及清盘法研究组织联合创办人
- 香港中殿律师学院执行委员会成员
- 香港大律师公会公司法委员会成员
- 香港大律师公会仲裁委员会成员
- 香港大律师公会公民教育常委会成员
- 香港大律师公会中国业务发展委员会前名誉秘书
- 香港大律师公会新晋大律师委员会前成员
- 香港大学法律学院兼职讲师
- 港岛中学校友会前任会长
- 牛津大学法学院《英联邦法律杂志》副主编
- 港岛中学前学生代表
- Bullen & Leake & Jacob’s Hong Kong Precedents of Pleadings, 3rd Edition – 于2022年12月发行
- 《香港公司法案例汇编》特约编辑(2008-2019)– 由德辅Des Voeux Chambers和威科集团于2020年共同发行
- Contributing Editor of Hong Kong Civil Procedure (the “White Book”) (Sweet & Maxwell)
- Research Assistant, ‘Sealy and Worthington’s Text, Cases and Materials on Company Law’ and ‘Gower and Davies’ Principles of Modern Company Law’
- Cross-border insolvency and related shareholders disputes’ (CPD seminar, with Jose-Antonio Maurellet SC) (August 2017)
- Updates on Cross-Jurisdictional Company and Insolvency Litigation (CPD seminar, with Vincent Chiu and Stephanie Wong) (April 2017)
- Guest Speaker at the 8th Lujiazia Legal Forum, delivering a lecture entitled “Internationalization of Legal Services: Cross-Border Arbitration in Hong Kong” (December 2016)
- Guest Speaker at International Disputes Resolutioni Along “Belt and Road” Initiative, Renmin University of China Abbotsbury) (November 2016)
- Hong Kong Companies and Insolvency Law from Litigation Perspective – a lecture delivered to the Pudong Lawyers Association (with Alexander Tang and David Chen) (June 2016)
- ‘Ring-fencing Domestic Property: Is there a solution?’ (CPD seminar, with Martin Kok and Jacqueline Law) (December 2014)
- ‘Demystifying the Law of Unjust Enrichment’ (CPD seminar, with Martin Kok, Martin Ho and Jacqueline Law) (October 2014)